Thursday, September 25, 2008

Now husband free

Fred left for his hunting trip this afternoon. He's says it's his vacation, but really it's mine too. I love Fred, but it's nice to get rid of him for a few days. One less person I have to pick up after. And one less person to whine around here. The best part of him leaving comes at dinner. Tonight we had meatloaf, which Fred doesn't like, and I have an awesome recipe for. The rest of the weekend I can make macaroni and cheese and no one would complain. I may try some other recipes that I've wanted to try that are meatless. If I made them for Fred he would complain about the lack of meat. The kids and I don't really have anything planned while daddy is away. The only thing I really want to do is go to Coldstone Creamery and get my free ice cream for my birthday. Torii wanted to go to DQ today, but I told him we were going to try a new ice cream place tomorrow. He is so excited. We don't get to Coldstone very often so they probably don't remember it. I really should live it up this weekend, but we will probably just relax at home which is nice too. For some reason I always do a big project while he is gone, but this year I'm not sure what to do. I should finish the top of my bench in the entryway and get that area cleaned up. I don't know. I'm sure I'll come up with something.

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