Sunday, September 21, 2008

Date night

Last night Fred and I finally went out for our anniversary. Between being sick and having a busy schedule we haven't been able to go until last night. Since I'm old, I wanted to go to the early movie so we wouldn't be out late. We did make it to the early movie, but still didn't get home until around 11:00. Today I was really dragging. (We also spent three hours at the pumpkin patch yesterday so I was tired before we even went out on our date). After the movie we went to Red Lobster as usual. They are nice enough to have endless shrimp every year around our anniversary. We were paying the bill and as I totaled it up with the tip I came to a startling realization. Our bill was cheaper than a tank of gas for the SUV. That is crazy. And I think I have been stuck in this married with children routine for too long. Fred just started getting Saturdays off again. It's been years since one of his regular days off was on the weekend. Because of that we don't get out much on Saturdays. I was amazed at all the people eating out so late (9pm, I know I'm old) on a Saturday. How quickly I have forgotten what it's like to be young without kids. I may have had a pang of jealousy of the girls out that night. They have freedom to do whatever they want, but really I wouldn't trade it for what I have now. An afternoon at the pumpkin patch and a date with my husband was way better than anything those girls did that day.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I saw the cutest hallmark card that I should have got you. On the cover it had a coule eating out and the husband said "Yes, I ordered a coffee and yes I know it's 8pm." And the wife was gasping. On the bottom of the picture is read "No matter your age, go all out and party like you used to." ( If I remember that's what it said on the bottom or something close to it.)