Monday, December 8, 2008

Eternal sunshine of a mother's mind

As I mentioned in the last post the kids and I were at my parent's house on Saturday. My mom had made chocolate chip cookies and had some for us to take home. Of course I forgot all about them and left without them. The next morning Rion was grumbling about something at Grandma's house and when I finally figured it out I realized he was talking about the cookies. That kid doesn't forget anything. I on the other hand can't remember anything. I used to have a much sharper mind. Then I gave birth. Since that day my mind has never been the same. Yesterday Torii and I were playing Fur Fighters on the Dreamcast again. The game is made up of little puzzles that you must figure out in order to save the babies. I remember it being pretty easy, but now I can't figure out any of them. I don't know if it's because I think differently as an adult or if I'm just losing it. Maybe a little of both.

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