Saturday, December 6, 2008

Watching movies

Today the kids and I went to Grandpa and Grandma's house. Since Rion is such an Indiana Jones fan we decided to watch The Goonies because that's basically Indiana Jones with kids. For the most part he watched the movie closely. The best part was at the beginning of the movie when the kids break the mom's statue. Rion was really watching what was going on and then they show a closeup of what the kids are trying to fix on the statue. We were all watching Rion and then he looked over at us with a priceless look. He looked at us like, "did you see what I saw?" I wasn't sure he was going to understand that part, but it was pretty evident that he did. There were a couple of other potty humor jokes that Rion really enjoyed. I really like that movie too so I may have to get it for our movie collection too.

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