Sunday, January 25, 2009

I know, I know!

When the boys have Church School the first thing they do is go downstairs and sing. A lot of the parents hang around until after they are done and the kids are with their class. Today after they were done singing someone from Camp of the Cross was there to talk to them. He asked the kids if they knew what they did at Camp of the Cross. Someone said pray, another kid said swim. The guy said yes they did all that and asked if anyone knew of anything else they did there. My view was blocked so I couldn't see Torii, but I heard his little voice say, "I know, I know." "Eat ice cream," was his response. The man was kind of a portly fellow so he made a joke about it and continued on. Then I heard, "I know, I know" again. "Bonk your heads?" The guy didn't understand this and I was happy about that. It's just a family inside joke that probably sounds bad to everyone else. The guy once again continued on, but Torii wasn't done quite yet. He responded at least a couple more times. Parents laughed the first time and a little the second time, but by the fourth time it wasn't funny at all. Me? I was hoping it would all be over so I get the heck out of there. This is the first time I have ever heard Torii say anything in Church School. He is usually so quiet. I guess his true nature was finally coming out today. And if that wasn't enough, Rion had to add his two cents in. After the guy told the kids there was a water slide at the camp, Rion had to tell everyone about the time he went on a water slide and his daddy caught him at the bottom. What got into my boys this morning? They are never like that.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Oh my gosh, that's just to funny. Torii, you little stinker. I would have been laughing so hard and asking "who's kid is that??" ha ha ha!