Thursday, February 26, 2009

Already ruining my future teenagers' lives

Tonight I was reading a speech that one of the creators of Brain, Child magazine gave to a group of writers recently. The speech was about parents writing about their children. I have never given this much thought until now, but someday my kids will be old enough to read what I have written about them. Will they like it? Will they be embarrassed about it? In the speech was a little story about a mother who had written about her then preschooler's potty training. The boy is now a teenager and getting interested in girls. These girls can go online, google the boy's name and find the potty training article online. (Which in the life of a teenager is probably the worse thing in the world that could happen to you). Now I'm left to wonder. What have I posted that could potentially make my future teenagers' lives even worse? Those years aren't easy as it. Are there going to be girls in the future googling my boys' names only to find embarrassing stories from toddlerhood? I guess I can speculate about what the future holds or I can just keep writing. I'm sure I'll damage my kids social lives in other ways so this blog isn't going to make any difference. Now onward with the embarrassing stories!

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