Friday, February 20, 2009

Minus one

Yesterday, quite unexpectedly, I was able to get rid of one child. Only for a day however. Auntie Vicki decided she wanted to have Torii spend the night. I was worried that Rion would get upset, but then Auntie Vicki told him it would be his turn next time. It just turned out she had a day off from work and since it was a school night only Torii could go. I will take any opportunity to get rid of Torii for awhile so I'm glad Rion was so good about it. He didn't get upset at all. Since Rion had to stay home I did "spoil" him a little. We have this crazy bedtime routine and Rion got every perk that night. He got the special towel after bath, he got to pick out the bedtime book and he got to sleep on the top bunk. Even daddy spoiled him by laying down with him for awhile. Then today after school Rion and I played Lego Star Wars and conquered another level. We haven't played together in a long time so that was nice. It was nice just have some one on one time with Rion. Cordelia was around too, but Torii takes so much of my attention that Rion and I don't get that time when Torii is around. As we were playing our game, Torii came in. He saw us playing the Playstation and his first words to us were, "What's the big idea?" The Playstation is more Torii's toy than anyone else's so he wasn't so thrilled to see us playing it. Then I got the rundown of what Auntie Vicki and Torii did. As was expected Torii was spoiled. When Auntie Vicki asked where he wanted to eat, he told her Red Lobster. And that's where they went. He had shrimp and a dessert. He must have ate good because there wasn't much left in his to-go box. He really does like shrimp. I can't believe that's where he picked to go. Then they went shopping and came home with candy and some toys. And Moon Sand. The boys always see Moon Sand commercials or see it in the stores and I always tell them maybe for their birthday with no intention of actually buying it. Now it's in my house. I told Torii whatever landed on the floor was getting vacuumed up. He was actually pretty good with it, but it still made a mess on the table. I kept waiting for Cordelia to get a big handful of it and throwing it everywhere, but she never did. Not that she didn't try. Anyway, we're back to a full house. It was nice to have a little break though.

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