Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I keep finding Cordelia in places she isn't suppose to be at. She has been on top of the table, on the computer desk and now on the chairs in the kitchen. I couldn't believe I found her up there. They are pretty tall, but she made it up. Everyone has to be so careful about what they leave around now or she will get it. When I make supper I have to make sure her plate is ready first so she can sit and eat. If I put anything else on the table she climbs up and helps herself. Torii set the table the other night and Cordelia climbed up and undid it all. She stacked up all the plates that Torii had put out so nice. There have also been incidents when one of the boys have left a half eaten cookie on the table only to find it missing minutes later. Cordelia thinks she's pretty hot stuff. (And she looks so big in this picture! I think she has been going through a growth spurt).

Cordelia climbing up on the chair.

This is how I found Cordelia. I usually don't freak out about things like this, but I was a little worried since the chairs are kind of high. I ran for the camera so I could get the picture and then she was back down. Then I let her climb up again just so I could get more pictures. After I got the pictures I put her back down and began to scold her every time she attempted to climb. Bad mommy, confusing the poor kid.

1 comment:

Heidi's Corner said...

She looks so big since Christmas! What a cute little monkey climber you've got on your hands.