Friday, February 6, 2009

The stomach dragon

The day after Rion saw the doctor about his ears, he came home sick from school. He wasn't feeling great the next day either, but made it through the day. Over the weekend he felt great so on Monday it was off to school again. The teacher said he wasn't feeling good again and on Tuesday I ended up getting him during the lunch hour because he really wasn't feeling good that day. He said he had a dragon in his tummy. I think he was saying that because his stomach was burning. The teacher's assistant thought maybe he was having heartburn. I thought it was weird that he was only getting it at school and right after he started this new medicine. When I picked him up on Tuesday he was having lunch in the nurses office. Just like the other time I took him home early, he didn't seem sick at all. The nurse said that some of those medicines can be really hard on a stomach and give "ulcer-like" symptoms. On an empty stomach, the pain is worse. The more lunch Rion ate the better he felt. He kept telling us that his dragon was hungry and he had to feed it. After we got home I called the doctor and she told me to stop the ear medicine and bring him back if his ears still hurt. He was only half way through what he was suppose to take. I really hope his ear infection has healed. The next couple of days he still complained that he had a dragon in his tummy, but today he didn't say anything about it. I hope he is well again. I'm sick of winter and kids being sick.

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