Saturday, March 7, 2009

Kiss it out

Torii has been quite the handful lately. He already butts heads with Fred on a regular basis. I don't even want to imagine him as a teenager. Lately, Torii has been more ornery than normal. Fred and I don't know what to do with him. We've tried spanking, timeouts, revoking privileges, taking away prized possessions and he still acts out. This kid can have major tantrums and he has a bad temper. The other day I told him I would kiss him every time he acted up. He didn't like that idea at all. It wasn't long before I got to try the "punishment" out. I think I've had some mild success with it. He doesn't always completely stop the argument at hand, but at least it has stopped major tantrum induced meltdowns. Plus it gets him laughing instead of yelling. I hope this is just a phase he is going through. If not, there's always military school.

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