Sunday, February 14, 2010

The good old days

The other day I happened to pass the kids' school during lunch recess. It looked like it was the older kids that were outside at the time. As I passed I noticed all the boys were near the playground and having a lot of fun in the snow. Meanwhile, the girls were all huddled together in little groups near the school. Some things never change. But then I began to think about how much they really have changed. When I thought about recess in the sixth grade, I thought about huddling up with a group of girls and listening to music during recess. I must have gotten a Walkman for my birthday or Christmas because I remember bringing it to show off. And we had to bring the newest cassette single to listen to also. Or we would bring a mix tape of all the songs we got recorded from the radio over the weekend. Y93 used to be the best radio station in town. They played all the newest and hottest songs and on Saturdays they gave out a cassette every hour. I remember winning at least twice. I got the Billy Joel tape with "We didn't start the fire" and the Crash Test Dummies. So while I spent my Saturdays trying to win a new cassette I was also close to my tape player waiting to hit the record button when a good song came on. I suppose this is one of the things my kids will someday laugh at, as any music they could ever want can be instantly had at the click of the mouse. And the radio? Who listens to the radio anymore, mom? Rion still can't understand a childhood without a computer. When did my childhood get so nostalgic?

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