Sunday, March 28, 2010

Church traditions

I love the traditions and memories that just sort of happen. You don't plan them, but they become firmly ingrained in your memory. They are usually the "little" things in life. One thing I will always remember is having hot chocolate at church. When I was a kid we went downstairs to get hot chocolate and it was always a treat. Now we have the new community center upstairs and that is now the hot chocolate location in between services. Once in awhile the church school kids might be using the community center so hot chocolate gets moved back downstairs. I don't know, but the hot chocolate just tastes better there. It's kind of weird to see my kids in the position I once was in. But at the same time, it feels totally right.

1 comment:

Heidi's Corner said...

I also thought about our hot chocolate moments this last sunday! I remember going down the red carpeted stairs to the kitchen downstairs and wait in line for the hot chocolate to come in a cup from out of the loud silver machine. Awww memories. Don't you just love those moments?