Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring in ND

Until yesterday we were enjoying beautiful spring weather. Cordelia and I would walk down to the school to pick the boys up and then spend some time at the playground before coming home. The kids love being outside and it's hard to get them to go home. We also walked over to the park the other night and played some baseball on the diamonds. Torii is loving baseball lately and he wants to practice hitting every night. He loved going to the diamonds and playing. He didn't even want to quit baseball to play on the playground there. I'm glad we got out as much as we did because now we haven't been out for the past two days. It started raining yesterday and then today we got five inches of snow. Cordelia was mad that we couldn't go outside today. She even got her shoes on and had her jacket so she could go out. And Cordelia throws the biggest tantrums when we have to go back inside after playing outside. Oh well, I guess that's a good thing to throw a tantrum about. It's also been fun watching Cordelia outside this year. I can really see how she has grown. She wants to do everything the boys do and it's funny when she grabs the baseball bat and says "my turn". Hopefully the snow melts right away and the temps go back up because we all want to get back outside soon!

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