Monday, March 8, 2010

The great debate

Yesterday was Rion's birthday so he pretty much got to choose what we did. He wanted to see Alice in Wonderland so we went to the matinee. I really wanted candy, but I hate buying it at the theatres so we stopped off at Dollar Tree before heading to the movie. Fred told the boys that when we get to the theatre they shouldn't say anything about the candy in mommy's purse. Of course they asked why not and Fred explained that you're not suppose to bring food into the theatres. And what happens if they see you bring it in was the next question. Fred told them they would throw us out. And thus began the big debate about bringing candy into the theatres. Torii who breaks every rule any chance he gets said "bringing candy in the theatres is against the rules" and therefore we shouldn't do it. Among his other concerns: "If they throw us out do they take our candy or do we get to keep it?" and "What if they just throw mommy out?". I kept telling them we wouldn't get thrown out, but how do you justify breaking the rules to your kids? I told them candy was too expensive at the theatres, but they didn't care. "Everybody does it" didn't fly either and I'm sure I will regret that one the next time Torii uses because I know he will. "I do it all the time" didn't sound good either. Torii was incredibly concerned about getting kicked out so we didn't bring the candy in. When we got to our seats the first thing out of Rion's mouth was "where's the candy?" I told them I wasn't buying any candy at the theatres, not that it mattered since I barely brought enough cash along for the tickets, popcorn and pop. I nearly fell over when the ticket person told me the total. $8.50 each for a 3-D matinee! Anyway, the kids liked the movie and enjoyed the 3-D. When we got back out to the car we opened up our candy for a post movie treat. As Rion took a handful of my Snowcaps he said, "Hey mom, it says 'great with popcorn'"! "I know, I know," I replied. And the debate continues....


Heidi's Corner said...

I love it. Torii makes sure everyone else plays by the rules but when it comes to him, what a character. Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Repeat after me: Next time I will buy the candy w/o the boys knowing and smuggle it in w/o telling them what I'm doing. Then when they tell me how wonderful I am for buying them popcorn *and* candy, it will all be worth it.

Great story, Stacy!