Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A weekend at the lake

We spent most of last weekend at Lake Tschida. The kids love it out there. Well, I do too. We also finally got Fred out there. He's never had weekends off before so this was his first time at the lake. I think he really enjoyed it and he'll be going out there again with us. He got to do a lot of fishing so he was happy. On Saturday we got as much swimming in as we could, but the weather did not cooperate in the evening and we were forced inside. It rained off and on, but a couple of times the rain was very heavy. But that was OK, because it's also nice to sit inside the cabin and listen to the rain. The boys as usual had a great time at the lake. It's amazing to see how much better they are at swimming a year later. They had lots of fun jumping into the lake and swimming into the bigger waves made by passing boats. Cordelia didn't do much swimming. She had more fun playing in the sand on the beach. The boys enjoying a pontoon ride around the lake after all the rain was done on Saturday.
Playing on the beach.
I tried to get a picture of Torii concentrating really hard to reel in a fish, but as I snapped it he turned to look at me. He looks like I'm disturbing him.

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