Monday, June 2, 2008

A good read

Last weekend I went to some rummage sales, which I really love to do. I found some clothes for the kids and a good book. I picked up "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer. I had read his book "Into Thin Air" which was really good so I had to pick this one up as well. I had no intentions of starting a book right now, I just don't have the time, but I started to read the first couple of pages and now I can't put it down. It is so good. I'm already about half way through, but at the expense of my family and chores. I should have been catching up on chores on Sunday, but could not put the book down. The boys got to play video games and watch TV just so I could finish one more chapter. Which of course became one more chapter. And then one more chapter. I love to read, but when I've got a really good book, I don't want to do anything else but continue reading. Maybe it's not so bad. You're suppose to read in front of your children so maybe they will also pick up on the love of reading. That's what I keep telling myself. "Torii, mommy can't play right now because I want to show you how fun reading is." He's not buying it.

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