Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Let's pretend

Fred has Torii hooked on video games. It's actually amazing how well Torii does on the Playstation. But the kid has gotten addicted to it. He plays one game where he fights aliens. He knows how to get his player to missions, add people to his team, switch weapons, and all kinds of other things. When he's not actually playing he likes to pretend he is in the game.
"Who do you want to be in my game mommy," he asks.
"I'll be Karen," I say. I only know two of the people in the game and Karen is one.
"No," Torii whines, "I'm playing story mode. Karen is in character mode."
I have no idea what he is talking about. "Then you pick for me," I say. He picks a character for me and now we are pretending we are in his video game.
"You have to kill the monster," he says. So I swing my pretend sword and tell him I got it.
"No. You have a gun." So I aim my gun and unload a couple of rounds on the monster.
"That was an Ageeta," Torii informs me. Once again I am lost.
Torii continues to tell me about his game and what we're pretending to do, but I do everything wrong as I have no idea what he is talking about. What ever happened to Matchbox cars and Thomas the train?

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