Monday, July 21, 2008

Another day at the doctor

I believe Fred is the exact opposite of a hypochondriac. Instead of thinking he is always sick, he thinks everyone is always sick. Namely the kids. When one of the boys bumps their heads (which is a daily occurrence) Fred thinks they have a concussion. He makes them tell him how many fingers he is holding up. If they fall, Fred checks for broken bones. So I suppose one of these times he was bound to be right. Today the boys went to the doctor, Torii for a regular checkup, and Rion his pre-kindergarten checkup. Fred told me over and over to ask the doctor about Torii's left arm. "It feels and looks different," he said. "Ok," I said mid-eye roll, "I'll ask." So I asked. For once he was right. The doctor could tell a difference right away. So after shots for Rion, we headed down to x-rays. Rion, Cordelia and I got to stand in the little booth while the x-ray was done. Rion, who is obsessed with the parts of the human body, was thrilled to see the x-ray picture come up on the computer screen. While they positioned Torii's arm for another picture, the technician pointed to all the bones in the picture. Rion loved it. As we always do after doctor's appointments we went to McDonald's for a treat. After Rion got his shot I told him I knew of something that made shots feel better. After he asked me what it was, I told him "Ice cream!" The boys had McFlurry's while I finally got to have lunch. Rion took a few bites of the McFlurry and told me his shots were already feeling better. Since they were babies all of my kids, have always taken naps after getting shots. It hasn't changed. Rion fell asleep shortly after getting home. And it must be my lucky day because Torii and Cordelia followed soon after.

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