Monday, July 21, 2008

Odds and Ends

Today at the doctor's appointment, the nurse was going through the list of developmental milestones and she asked if Torii plays board games. Playing board games is something I've never attempted with the boys. I'm not sure they would sit still to play a game. Plus anything with small pieces has been banned in this house. The boys like puzzles, but they can't keep all the pieces together. Rion likes Legos, but I find them around the house all the time. My second thought on this was "people still play board games?" I told the nurse the boys don't play board games, but they are great at the Playstation and computer games.

It's been a really long time since I've read Green Eggs and Ham to Rion. And I haven't read it enough that he would have it memorized. While we were waiting in the doctor's office, Rion picked it up and started reading it. I couldn't believe it. A few words he had to sound out, but he got them. He only read the first couple of pages, but I didn't know he knew that many words already.

When we went to McDonalds I parked in a spot right next to the drive thru. My first job was in fast food and anyone that had a special request was an annoyance. Now I think it's funny. I love to people watch so I would love to listen to people coming through the drive thru. As I was loading the kids up after our treat a women pulled up to the drive thru. First she made some request to fill her drink with 1/3 of something. I didn't quite catch it all. Then she ordered a chocolate sundae with extra hot fudge, half on the bottom, half on top, and she also needed some of the ice cream placed in another container so the original wasn't overflowing. When I hear someone like that I can't help but wonder if she got something extra in her sundae.

I had to wake the kids up for supper before soccer tonight. I thought about just skipping tonight, but we went. I thought it would be good to get Rion out running around before bedtime since he had a nap. He barely ran during soccer. He said his legs hurt too much from the shots. When we got home I took the band aids off and then he said he could run. He then ran through the house at full speed. He still fell asleep fairly fast tonight. The Tylenol I gave him might have had something to do with that.

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