Sunday, July 20, 2008

Gender roles

In a recent conversation with Fred, the subject of teaching Cordelia to cook came up. "Of course I will teach her to cook," I said, "but I'm also going to teach the boys." This is an equal opportunity household. I do try to get the boys in the kitchen often. Their special talent so far is dumping things in the bowl. Tonight they dumped the pudding mix into the bowl. They make great pudding. Rion wanted the box to add to his kitchen set and while I finished making the dessert, he played in his kitchen and made pudding. In boy fashion he also filled his shopping cart to overflowing and then dumped it all over the kitchen floor, but let's not go there right now. Rion also helped me wash dishes today. I didn't even ask him to. He just grabbed a towel and started washing. That is the perfect man. The one who does chores without even being asked to. And that's what I want to teach them. Someday, (hopefully very, very, very far into the future) some girl is going to want to marry him. Until then I feel it's my responsibility to teach him how to be a good husband. Do the dishes, cook, help bring in the groceries. That's just a few of the things I want my boys to do for their future wives. It's a lot easier to train them now then when they're married. And don't get me started on that.

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