Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Soccer monster

During Rion's last soccer game last week, he hit heads with a player from the other side. At first both players just grabbed their heads and stood there. Then the player on the other team started to cry. Rion walked over to the boy and told him he was sorry. I don't know if the boy heard him, but he started walking over to the sideline. Then Rion started to cry. The coach made sure he was ok and then told him it wasn't his fault. Rion felt so bad. I told him too that it was just an accident, but he still felt bad. If he continues in sports, I'm sure there will be a lot more injuries.

I think Rion enjoyed his soccer season. It was fun to see how much he progressed through the summer. He likes to play soccer in the backyard now too. I think Torii is ready to join the team next summer already. He has a bit of an advantage because he's been playing with Rion in the backyard. Rion hadn't played much soccer at all before he was on organized soccer. I think Rion will want to play again so it will be fun to watch both boys play.

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