Monday, August 4, 2008

Why so serious?

I took Cordelia to the dentist this morning and not much can be done. Hopefully the tissue grabs back onto the tooth and holds it into place. If it gets looser or infected then it will have to be pulled. I have to really watch her today to make sure the tooth doesn't fall out and she swallows it. This isn't how I wanted to spend the day, but it is nice to have another day off of work. She's sleeping now and I have bars baking and I'm blogging. A very nice Monday indeed.

The blog seems to be a little serious lately, so back to the funny... (I saw the new Batman last week so I stole the Joker's line for the post title).

Yesterday the boys spent all morning playing with each other and they were playing nicely. They must have been sick. Fred and I were in the living room listening when we heard this conversation:
Torii: I love you Fred Rion. (Ahhhhs, from parents)
Rion: Why? (Laughter from parents)
Torii: Because you teach me so much. (Ahhhhs again).
Torii is such a toughie, but he's so sweet too. He may grow up to be one of those Harley riders with all the leather gear, but sleeps with a teddy bear at night.

On Saturday I asked Torii what he wanted to do that day. "Let's go to Grandpa and Grandma's house," he said. They were at a reunion that day so I told him they were at a party. He responded, "Why I'm not invited?"

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