Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas time again

Ahh, my favorite time of year.... when I can threaten the boys by telling them Santa won't visit our house if they don't behave.

Yesterday the boys and I put up the Christmas tree. They weren't going to help until I mentioned that they wouldn't get a sticker on the "help out" line of their chore chart. Then they wanted to help. I told the boys not to put any ornaments really low on the tree so little Miss Grabby won't get them. They were really good about it. The boys kind of faded towards the end and I had to finish the decorating. Which was fine because I had to decorate the top half of the tree anyway. Rion managed to break one ornament. I have a fridge ornament and the doors open. The light inside even comes on when the door opens. Rion was fascinated by it and broke the freezer door. The boys did a better job of decorating this year than last. There are still some areas where there is a bunch of ornaments all together, but that's ok. Our tree is kind of silly looking. The bottom part is bare, which isn't stopping Cordelia by the way and there are clumps of ornaments in spots. Still, I'm not changing it because the boys decorated it that way. They also set up the Christmas village. It's not how I would have set it up, but I still like the way it looks.

Today I wrapped a few presents. I thought Rion would guess his present right away, but hasn't yet. It's kind of hard to disguise the sound of Legos. He has come up with some very interesting guesses. It is driving both boys crazy not being able to open their presents. I know I will have to put up with the nagging for a few weeks yet, but I find a little joy in being able to torment them a little.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

a local radio station here had Santa on the morning and little kids could call in and "fess up" to get back on the good list again. It was so adorable. One kid asked santa if he was back on the good list again, he sounded really worried.