Thursday, December 4, 2008

"Dirty" words

I don't know what it is with boys, but they are born with a love of potty humor. Rion loves to say the word "poop" and says it all the time. This has been going on for a good couple of months and he still laughs hysterically every time he says it. The good news is that I have finally gotten him to stop saying poop all the time. The bad news is that he has replaced it with something else. The even worse news is it's my fault. Yesterday as I was about to walk out the door for work, Cordelia let out this monster fart and that of course made the boys laugh. "I think Cordelia has a poopy butt," Rion said. Just then Fred walked in the room and asked what was going on. "I think Cordelia might have a messy diaper," I said, "she just had a real juicy fart." So that's Rion's new favorite phrase. "Juicy fart." The house was filled with laughter today, but unfortunately it was always following that phrase.

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