Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mama's boy

This morning we had MOPS. Cordelia has been so clingy lately and I never look forward to leaving her in the childcare. She cries when I leave, although she quickly gets over it. The lady in her room is really good about distracting her while I sneak out. Today I got down on the floor to show her some toys before sneaking off. There are also a couple of older kids in the room that help out. The girl sat down next to us. I thought Cordelia would grab hold of me tighter like she usually does. Instead she handed the girl her blankie and then sat in her lap. I couldn't believe it. I headed for the door and as I was almost out Cordelia looked back. As I said goodbye I expected tears, but she was perfectly fine. Some of the moms were visiting and I mentioned how well Cordelia had just done when I dropped her off. A few minutes later I was told Torii wasn't doing so well and he wanted to see me. He was sitting in his room crying. He really didn't want to go to MOPS today and he said he missed me. I told him he could come sit with me, but it would be pretty boring, but that's what he wanted to do. He shared my breakfast with me and sat quietly next to me. I kept asking him if he was ready to go back to his room and he kept saying no. Later he finally said he was ready, but a few minutes after going to his room he returned to me once again in tears. I think Torii is having the hardest time with me working full time. He hates it when I go to work. He's never been like that at MOPS, but I think he just wanted to be with me more than anything else. In a way it makes me feel really good, but it also makes me feel so bad when I do go to work. He always asks me what days I have off. Tomorrow I can tell him it's my last day for the week.

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