Friday, March 20, 2009


On Thursday night the kids got their pictures taken for our MOPS Antiquities fundraiser. These are the pictures that look old timey. I wanted to get some of Cordelia to add to the ones of the boys I got a couple of years ago. I wasn't sure how Cordelia would do and as I expected she was fussy and wouldn't sit still. We tried a few different things, but she was not happy. I think the photographer may have gotten a couple of good shots. I get a free picture of the three kids and I think that one turned out. As far as the individual shots go, I was going to tell him to just do Cordelia since I have the boys pictures from last time, but he was posing them so cute. There is a shot of the two boys that I will have to get. So I'll spend more money than I wanted to, but these pictures are so worth it. Plus I don't ever do studio pictures of the kids so I need some professional pics around here. As usual, Torii had some funny moments. The photographer (who is from Tennessee so I had to smile when he said he was "fixin" to do something), put a huge pillow on the floor for a group picture and Torii asked him "how's this going to work?" Then later when Cordelia wasn't cooperating and the photographer said "that didn't work," Torii replied, "I told you so." He's lucky he's so darn cute.

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