Monday, March 16, 2009


As far as working outside the home and raising children, I've tried it all. I've worked full time, part-time and not at all. Now we are once again trying something new. Since my job is dependant on the summer I have no choice, but to work full time in the spring up until the fall. A couple of summers ago, I worked full time while Fred watched the kids during the day and went to work at night. He didn't get even close to enough sleep so we knew that wouldn't work this time around. So now Fred is working part-time and being stay at home dad during the day. For the most part it is working out. It's nice to come home and have dinner already made, but I have found it was something that was really hard to give up. On weekends I'm at a loss at what to do because I don't do the grocery shopping or plan the meals for the week. I complained about cooking every night, but really it is something I enjoy. Fred isn't a bad cook, it's just that he's an unhealthy cook. (I hid the butter on the bottom of the fridge way in back, don't tell him). I like to cook healthy meals and I like variety. Fred doesn't care for either. I still cook on the weekends, although the last couple of weekends have been so busy that I haven't done much cooking at all. I have binders full of recipes that I don't have the time to fix normally and now I really don't know when I'll have time to try them. Under the old system I always tried to pull out at least one new recipe each week. I never thought I would say I miss grocery shopping and cooking. Really, I liked to do it just because it was good for my family.

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