Saturday, March 21, 2009

Haikus revisited

Today I got my new issue of Brain, Child which I believe is the very best magazine for parents. It features great writing and many different perspectives about raising children. Every issue they have a question or challenge for readers. And it's not something lame like "how do you celebrate spring" that you often find in mainstream magazines. In the last issue they asked for haikus and I'm happy to say two of mine appear in this issue! I sent in two that I had previously posted in the early days of this blog, but here they are again:

This is my new game
Throw toy on floor, mommy get
I throw toy again

In the tub tonight
Like to hear the sound I make
Hands hitting water

I haven't written any new haikus in a long time, but I would like to. If inspiration strikes, I'll post them here.

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