Friday, January 8, 2010


On New Year's Eve I let the boys stay up late and watch a movie. I knew they wouldn't make it to midnight and besides I wouldn't want to deal with them the next day even if they could. They still thought it was quite a treat to stay up late and have candy like at the movies. The boys picked Aladdin to watch, which is one of my all time favorite movies. I still know it word for word and could still watch it over and over. I'm not sure if Torii has ever really sat down and watched it so this was really the first time he's seen it. I've never viewed the movie from a five year old's eyes, but I never realized that Aladdin is a little "violent". Torii got a little anxious that Aladdin was stuck in the cave. "Are they going to get out of the cave?" "Are they going to die?" Then after Jasmine asked about Aladdin: "What's beheaded mean?" I started to think about what else was coming up that Torii was going to freak out about. Nice, one of my favorite movies and it was going to give him nightmares. He was fine, but the next day he was asking about the genie.
Torii: "What can't you wish for?"
Me: "You can't wish to kill anyone (great more violence), you can't wish to make anyone fall in love with you and you can't wish anyone back from the dead."
Torii: "Who would you wish to fall in love with you?"
Me: (ummm, Jon Hamm) "Your daddy."
Torii: "But he already loves you."
Me: "Then my kids."
Torii: "But we love you."
Me: "Then I don't need to wish that."
Torii: "Who would you wish dead?"
Me: "Nobody."
Torii: "Me neither. Who would you wish back from the dead?"
Me: "Nobody."
Torii: "I'd wish for Winnie and Tigger." (two of my parent's cats)

1 comment:

Laurie said...

awww I can't believe that! I love Aladdin:)