Friday, January 8, 2010

Bedtime milestone

Not long ago I realized Cordelia was two years old and still sleeping in a crib. I guess I was waiting for the time when I had to put her in a regular bed like the boys. Then I realized she was a girl and she may never try to scale the sides of the crib like the boys were doing at 18 months old. New beds for the boys were a necessity and for Cordelia it just hasn't been that way yet. Finally the other day I got her crib converted to the toddler bed. Cordelia loved her new bed and I was excited for her. Then it got close to bedtime and I realized what I had done to myself. No more "trapping" Cordelia in her bed. She was now free to get up at will. What did I do when the boys went through this milestone? I really had to think about it because it seems so long ago. Cordelia has always been pretty good about going to bed so I tried to lay her down and let her be. That did not work. Not even close. So I laid down next to her. She did toss and turn and talk some, but I was lucky enough to discover her weakness. I rubbed her back. Instant quiet. Tonight she was having a hard time settling down so I told her to rollover and I would rub her back. She rolled right over and again instant quiet and asleep within 10 minutes. Last night she did really good. I laid with her during halftime of the game, but when the 3rd quarter started I got up even though she wasn't asleep. Amazingly she stayed in bed and fell asleep by herself. I remember this being a real difficult stage (for me) when the boys got their own beds. Maybe Cordelia won't be as bad. The only problem now is that I wake up with an extra little body next to me in the morning.

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