Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I was talking to someone at work today and the conversation went from turning in credit cards receipts to commercials to Will Ferrell to Talladega Nights to teaching kids "Shake and Bake." He said his brother taught his kids how to do "shake and bake." I said it's so fun to teach little kids things like that. They're a blank slate and you can teach them what ever you want. Of course, there's a lot of responsibility that comes with this too, but for now I'm just talking about having some fun with the kids. "Shake and Bake" is funny, but it's 10 times better when a little kid does it. And if you laugh at it, they are just going to do it more so they like it too. Fred brought home an old shirt of his from his recent trip to Tenn and gave it to Rion. It has this crazy looking skeleton on it and he is playing guitar and it says,"Rock is king" or something like that. Rion looked like a little punk with it on so I taught him to stick out his tongue and stick out his pinkie and pointer finger. I'm sure it's called something, but I'm too old to know what it's called so I hope you know what I'm talking about. Anyway he looked like a hangbanger at rock concert. I did try to teach Torii to say "How you doin?" like Joey on Friends, but it never caught on. He likes girls so much I thought it would be funny.

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