Monday, February 18, 2008

Shopping with Torii

Yesterday Torii and I ran to Target to get some film developed. While we were waiting for it to get done we went out to the mall. I wanted to take a look at Herbergers so we headed there. On the way we went by Hot Topic. "I don't like that store," Torii said, "It's too loud." Then as we were walking through Herbergers Torii was looking at all the manniquins. "I like that girl," he said. "I don't like that girl," he said of another manniquin. After looking at the kids' clothes I deceided to take a different route back to the mall. "I like that one," Torii said pointing at a manniquin. I looked over my shoulder and there we were in the middle of the lingerie department. Torii was pointing at a manniquin with a bra and panties on as a sales clerk walked by laughing hysterically.

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