Monday, February 18, 2008

Shopping carts

I just have a little vent about shopping carts. I hate most of them. They are absolutely not family friendly. My beef has to do mostly with having room for a baby. And I mean having room in the cart for a baby in the car seat. A lot of stores have carts with a seat already attached, but this doesn't work if you have a very small baby, a sleeping baby or it's winter. It's really cold out now so I don't take Cordelia out of her seat when she bundled up so nicely in it. So sometimes I have to haul her around in the car seat because the cart is too small for the seat. I've got strong arms now, but my back is killing me. I also plan shopping trips around naptime. In that case I don't take her out of the car seat either. Kohls is nice enough to have a cart where you can place a car seat in it. The problem is they only have one. When was the last time you went somewhere and only saw one baby? Doesn't happen very often. Then there are stores like Best Buy. You can barely get one kid in the cart because their carts are actually half a cart. So there are a lot of stores that I only go to when I am alone. That doesn't happen very often so I don't shop at those stores often. That's fine, I'll spend my money else where.

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