Saturday, March 15, 2008

Quiet please!

Today I felt like the grinch. The part where he is thinking about all the little Who boys and girls on Christmas morning. "One thing I can't stand is the noise, noise, noise, noise!" I can't think with all this noise around here. Today we went grocery shopping and on each trip I have to tell Torii to be quiet for a minute so I can think about what I am doing. I can't look at my list to figure out what I'm missing and listen to him at the same time. It's so frustrating to have a list and still not come home with everything on it. Then this evening I made the cake for Rion's birthday party tomorrow and was able to mess up the easiest cake recipe on the planet. Of course Torii was right there next to me as I tried to make the cake. Then Rion would come into the kitchen to make it even worse. So I was trying to read the recipe and in my left ear is Torii talking about helping pour the ingredients in the bowl and in my right ear is Rion telling me about his computer game. And the boys have no volume control so it's really loud. I literally could not hear myself think. So we ate part of my mistake cake tonight and now I have to make another one in the morning.

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