Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Too young to be old and too old to be young

I watched Fried Green Tomatoes not long ago so I had to borrow that line from the movie for my title. I feel like that a lot. Not old. Not young. Somewhere in the middle. But I'm not middle aged either. I don't know what I am. Anyway, on with the blog.

Last year I turned 30. I joke about being old a lot, but really it's ok. I like being 30. No offense Laurie, but I would rather someone say I look like a 30 year old instead of a 25 year old or younger.

I do feel like I am getting "old" at times. This is the most obvious sign. I like to listen to NPR because it's interesting and educational. NPR is cool. I know a lot of college kids that listen to it too. One of the main reasons I listen to NPR is because I don't like any of the new music out there. "Nobody makes good music anymore." Only old people make that statement.

Next sign. I go to bed before midnight. Hell, I go to bed before 11:00 on weeknights. I haven't seen Conan in ages. I don't even know any of the running gags on Conan anymore. I am old.

I referred to people in college as kids. College kids. Wasn't I just a kid in college? And they look like kids too. I'm at work giving new hires paperwork and feel really old looking at these college kids' birthdates. These kids were born in the late 80's and we're getting into the 90's too. Wow. When I see a kid with a birthdate of the year I graduated high school, then I will really feel old.

I know there were more signs of my oldness, but I can't remember them. Why? Because I'm old.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

I love NPR..
I know I'm only 23, but I can sort of relate... sorta. I'm in college, but I'm still "behind"(or what people qualify as behind) in my learning, so it's weird for me to know that the freshmen were born in the early 90s. VERY WEIRD. I also know four people this year getting married.... oh yeah... both of my sisters are married :P Anyways.... growing up is crazy.... :)