Monday, March 10, 2008

A real challenge is being a mom

I used to watch MTV and really loved the Real World, Road Rules Challenges. I very rarely watch MTV anymore, but recently saw a new challenge was on so I tuned in for lack of anything else on. I've always liked the challenges, because they come up with the craziest competitions and I want to try them out myself. I still like the challenges, but all the "extra circulars" were disturbing me this time. When they aren't doing challenges the cast is seen drinking a lot and "hooking up" with someone else. The whole time I kept thinking, "what do their mothers think about this?" I wonder if their mothers do watch the show. Does CT's mom just shrug when he is shown drunk and acting like an idiot? "Oh that's just CT," she might say. Or is she really embarrassed by his behavior? I would hate to run into someone at the grocery store and have to field questions about what my son is doing these days. Does she give the truth, "my son is on a reality TV show where he gets drunk a lot, starts arguments, has intimate relationships and when he isn't doing any of that participates in a competitive challenge." Or does she kind of lie and says, "Oh, he's still trying to figure out what makes him happy in life." Or does she straight out lie and say, "he's in real estate." Once my kids move out of the house, I will support whatever they decide to do, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. I do have a list of things I hope they don't do. Add reality TV star to the list.

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