Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Field trip day

Today Rion had a field trip to the fire station. Since they were leaving about 45 minutes after school started his teacher said Torii and I could hang out until they were ready to leave. It was really fun to sit in on his class and see their morning routine. Plus I haven't been in Rion's classroom much so it was good to sit in with the class and have more of a sense of what they are doing every day. Torii also sat on the mat with the class and answered questions with the class. They did flashcards with letters, numbers and the sounds letters make. He knows all of that already so he was able to keep up. He just didn't know the words the class is learning yet. I think he will be ready for Kindergarten next year. The kids in Rion's class were really excited about having a guest in the classroom. They were all very polite and nice. A couple of kids did debate on whether or not Torii looked like Rion. Before we left for the fire station the kids had a potty break. Torii joined right in and stood in the line as they made their way to the bathrooms. Then we walked to the fire station. It was a very nice day for it too. The walk was probably just as exciting as the fire station as we saw construction vehicles and a car transporter dropping off a vehicle at a car dealership. Apparently they had read about one in a book so the teacher stopped to point it out. The fire station was fun and everyone enjoyed it. I think they were most impressed by the pole. This fire station is the only one in town to still have the pole in their station. When we got back to the school they got a little recess time and many of the kids wanted Torii to play with them. I let Torii play for a little while before we had to go.

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