Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Literary Olympics

Tonight Rion's school held the Literary Olympics. I wasn't sure we were going to go, but Rion asked me about it right after school today. He was really excited about going to the Olympics. "Remember when we watched it on TV" he said, "I liked the swimming." I had to explain to him it wasn't that kind of Olympics. It was a such a beautiful evening so we walked to the school. Right away we saw many of his classmates. Which was good because the class with the most students participating is going to get a pizza party. It turned out to be a fun event. Each student got a piece of paper with the Olympic logo on it. Then they had to visit different stations, complete the task and then get a star for the task. After they got five stars (one for each ring) they got to pick out a brand new book. Then they also got a snack to take home. They also had a book swap, but I forget to bring any of the boys' old books. Torii also went with and he got to participate, although he didn't get to pick a book. They had fun and educational activities although many of them were pretty hard for Kindergarten students. I guess it's good to challenge the kids sometimes too. I think Rion had fun and he probably learned something. While we were there it had gotten dark out so the walk home was also an adventure. They were really excited by the lights around the movie posters at the video store we walked by.

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