Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yesterday I watched, with great excitement, the inauguration of President Obama. It's one of those moments that you'll know where you were when he was sworn in. I was at work. I started listening to NPR as soon as I got in the car and continued to listen at work. When it got close to the swearing in I pulled up a live feed on the Internet and got to see it live. It was so amazing. It was so nice to see our country come together and be happy for a change. I thought Obama's speech was great. It will be so nice to listen to a good speaker for the next four years. When I picked Rion up from school they had a letter to President Obama posted by the door. The kids asked that he take care of the people that need help and to keep people safe among other things. Rion said he did get to watch the president being sworn in, but he thought it was boring. I told him some day he will be thankful he got to see such a historical event. At home, Torii wasn't so thrilled about the inauguration either. He wanted to play his video game. Even though this was a day to show how far this country has come, it was also a reminder of how much work still needs to be done. Fred reminded me that, unfortunately, there are people that are not happy about our new president. When he said this, I joked, "Just because they're Republicans. Are they sore losers?" He looked at me seriously and said, "No, that's not the reason." It took me a few seconds, but then it clicked. "Ohhh.... right, because he's black." It's so sad that he is right about that.

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