Monday, January 19, 2009

A very nice day

The kids had a really good time with Auntie Vicki. She said they were all good. I was a little worried about Cordelia since this was her first sleepover, but she did really good. The boys were really wild when they got home, but also really tired. Rion was getting upset over the dumbest things. Once they did get settled into bed it didn't take long before they were asleep. I really enjoyed my time off. I got a lot done on the computer and worked on some new kid's clothing designs. Fred got up about 1:00 today and wanted to do something. We thought about going to a movie, but the ones we wanted to see had already started and I didn't want to go to a later one since I wasn't sure when the kids would be home. We couldn't decide what to do so Fred just told me to get in the car and we'll figure something out. When the kids are around I always think of things I would do if the kids weren't around, but when they aren't around I'm at a lost. We drove around and ended up at the bowling alley. We bowled one game, Fred won. Then we stopped by the antique store and then had a snack at Big Boy. It was a beautiful day and I really enjoyed Fred and mine's unplanned afternoon. It was fun.

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