Thursday, January 22, 2009

A second meeting

We had a second meeting at the school about Rion's fine motor skills. They all say he is very bright, it's just this one area that needs help. They also want to work with him because he is so smart and he's a fun kid. So that is good to hear. Since he is so far academically, they think he will be able to catch on quickly and make fast progress. Today we talked about a lot of the same things we did the last time so there wasn't much new information. The occupational therapist just went more in depth about the way he writes his letters and draws shapes. It got kind of technical and I was a bit overwhelmed, but I think I understood it all. She also gave me a couple of things to bring home to help him out. I also got a sheet of some fun ideas we can do together. He won't be out of the classroom very much which is good. He will also have some things in the classroom that will help him out. He may get a special scissors that will help him learn to cut better and he'll also get some visual cues during reading that will help with his speech. Everyone seemed real eager to work with him and all seemed to think he will do great.

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