Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Crazy week

Flooding continues to be a concern here. I didn't go to work yesterday and today only worked a few hours. I went in after Rion was dropped off at school so I could take the Blazer to work. Then about 1:00 my boss told me to get home. They were going to set off explosions on the Missouri so they wanted me to go. As I was getting back into Mandan, they were closing off Hwy 1806 so it was good that I left so I could get home. There are a few schools in Bismarck that closed because of the flooding, but Rion's school is not one of them. There are a lot of families at our school that are being affected by the flooding which was evident when I went to pick him up. The school was so quiet. It was eerie. Rion's teacher said only six kids showed up in his class today. The school was also taking some precautions in case the worse happens and were getting things off the floor and lower shelves. Rion's teacher said the kids helped and they were very good helpers. Kirkwood was also closed today as a lot of businesses were. It's been a crazy couple of days. After '97 I didn't think I would ever see anything like that again. Especially here. If anywhere I thought Fargo would be the one to get it. But I don't think they are out of the woods yet either. I heard this year the Red River may crest higher than it did in '97. That is amazing to me. Kelly and Laurie- you would be amazed at what Bismarck looks like right now. I've never seen it like this. There are many roads closed. Businesses closed. Schools closed. People out of their homes. It's all been so surreal. The community is rallying to help everyone that needs the help which is awesome. It sounds like the explosions on the river helped to break up some of the ice jam so hopefully things will start to turn around for the better.

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