Friday, March 27, 2009

Sensitive boys

This evening Rion watched "Bolt". I wanted to watch it with him, but between Torii and Cordelia there was no way that was going to happen. I heard Rion laugh out loud quite a few times and he didn't move from the couch which is unusual for him. He really was enjoying the movie. Towards the end of the movie I sat down and watched with Rion. There is a scene at the end where the girl is trapped in a building that is on fire. Rion was really concerned and his eyes started to tear up. He told me something about what was going on and his voice was shaky. This is a Disney movie so everything turned out fine and Rion said he liked it. When I asked him about the movie he said, "I almost cried." It was the first time I have ever seen him get emotional over a movie. It was cute.

A couple of weekends ago we went out to my parent's and after visiting for awhile we noticed the boys hadn't said anything about their cat, Winnie, who they had put down earlier in the week. We didn't say anything since the kids didn't seem to notice. Then last weekend Torii asked if we could go to Grandpa and Grandma's, but I told him they were out of town. So he asked if we could go out there anyway and play with Maggie and Winnie. I explained to him that Winnie wasn't there and when he asked why, I told him Winnie had died and was in heaven. He didn't say much and I thought that was that. On Sunday, at the dinner table, I can't remember what exactly we were talking about, but out of the blue Torii announced that Winnie is dead. Rion looked at me in surprise and said "what?!" At dinner that night we had a long conversation about dying and heaven. We've talked about it some before, but not into much depth. Now that the boys are getting older they have a lot more questions. It's been almost a week and this subject is coming up a lot especially with Torii. He is concerned about when we are going to die, who's going to die first, and whether or not we come back after we go to heaven. And he also asked me if there were video games in heaven. At times he really doesn't like the idea of heaven at all, but when I told him he would have video games in heaven he seemed ok about it. At other times he wants to go to heaven so he can see Winnie again. Rion has been talking about it some, but not like Torii. Torii must be thinking about it a lot because he talks about it randomly throughout the day. We can be in the car, having dinner, getting ready for bed, or just about anything else and he'll just suddenly start talking about it. At least he doesn't seem so bothered by it that it's keeping him up at night or that he cries when we talk about dying. We are actually having good conversations about it.

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