Thursday, March 26, 2009

River pictures

This is the bridge that is just inside the entrance at Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park. The explosive blast was done in this area of the river. There are still huge ice chunks, but I guess the water is moving now. The park is closed right now and the campground is currently under water.
Today most of the kids seemed to be back in school. As one mother told me she wanted her child back in school just to get some of the normalcy back. She also had pictures of their place and the water surrounding it. They live in a trailer court and don't have flood insurance because they were told they would never need it when they bought the place. Maybe she should show the pictures to whoever told them that. We haven't talked to the boys much about the flood, but we are lucky in that we haven't been affected by it much. When I picked Rion up from school yesterday and his teacher told me about putting stuff higher up, Rion started talking about tornadoes. He said they are really scary and once he had to go to the basement. I thought this would bring on a lot of concern about the flood or weather in general, but so far it hasn't. I worked another half day today and saw lots of pictures and heard some interesting stories. Overall today was a good day. Roads are opening back up and people are going back to their homes. Now we are looking at the Red River and wondering what will happen there.

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