Sunday, March 22, 2009

More birthdays

For the third straight weekend we were at a birthday party. I guess there's a lot of March birthdays. Yesterday Rion was invited to another classmates birthday, this time at the bowling lanes. A couple of other classmates were there as well. The birthday boy's mom asked if I was going to stay and I had debated this, but I decided to stay. It's not that I think Rion needs to be supervised or needs me around, it was more about me. First, I thought it would be good to get to know another mom from school. This was one of the parents I hadn't met yet and I thought it would be good to meet her and maybe get to talk to her some. Plus some of the other parents were there too. These kids may be around for many more years and it's good to know the kids and parents that my kid may be hanging around with in the future. Second, I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone. I could have easily dropped Rion off and went shopping or done something else by myself. Instead, I thought it would be better for me to be social and meet new people. We had a really good time. Rion bowled a couple of strikes. Ok, he had the bumper lanes and the slide to push the bowl off of, but still pretty good. I started my first game with two strikes and a spare. Why can't I do that when Fred is with? He always beats me, this was my chance. Actually it all went down hill after the first three frames. The kids sure enjoyed bowling. It was actually more fun watching them than actually bowling. Torii didn't fuss this time when Rion said he was going to a birthday party. Then again, we didn't tell him we were going bowling.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Yes, there are a lot of March birthdays-two of my kids plus three of my kids have birthday parties to go to next weekend!!

I dropped your Girl Scout cookies off this afternoon.