Saturday, March 28, 2009


Cordelia is only saying a few words on a regular basis. She says book, here, hi, mom, daddy, baby, and meow. She says mom very clear and usually really loudly, but the rest of the words are hard to understand unless you're around her all the time. Fred and I also heard her say juice the other day, but she hasn't said it again. That word was clear and understandable too. I also heard her say cheese yesterday when we were having some cheese for a snack. Although her verbal vocabulary isn't large, she is understanding a lot of what she hears. If I tell her to do something like throw a piece of paper in the garbage, she'll do it. Also when I tell her not to do something she understands that too. She doesn't verbally say no or yes, but she knows that a nod of the head means yes and a shake means no. We had a beautiful day today and when I asked her if she wanted to go outside I got a nod. Tonight when I asked her if she was ready to go to bed I got a shake. I asked three times to make sure and it was a shake each time. It was so cute. I just can't believe how big she is getting already.

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