Saturday, April 26, 2008

Another adventure at the doctor's office

I swear, everytime I have to bring a kid to the doctor, it's an adventure. It can never run smoothly with nothing to report.
Cordelia had her six month checkup on Friday. She is doing great. I was so happy she didn't cry the whole appointment like she did last time. I guess she is over her fear of mustaches. This time she really watched the doctor and grabbed for anything that was put in her reach. The doctor kept telling her she was so serious. He tried to get her to smile. He got close, but she kept that serious look the whole time.
Since the appointment was right after I got off of work I only had time to change clothes and leave again when I got home. I threw all of my things in the diaper bag and we took off. When I got to the clinic I realized I had grabbed my regular purse. So not only did I not have my wallet, but I also didn't have any diapers or wipes. I sat through the whole appointment praying she would not have a messy diaper until we got home. Thankfully we made it.
The only minor thing Cordelia has is some small patches of eczema on her skin. The doctor said this was probably occurring from something I ate although it could be from clothes too. If it was something I ate the most common foods that cause eczema is chocolate, and then I think he said oranges, and he named a couple more. I can't remember what other foods he said because I kind of blanked out after chocolate. I love Cordelia, but I will give up breastfeeding before I give up chocolate.

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