Monday, April 21, 2008

Cordelia's world

I'm not going to write out Cordelia all the time. Who gave her such a long name anyway? I get asked a lot if she has a nickname. I thought about it, but I didn't want to force a shorten version of her name. I thought something would come naturally in time. Cordy seems to fit a lot and we say that sometimes. But what I like to call her is Dilly. I was annoying Torii one day when I kept calling her Cordilly. He didn't like that so I kept saying it. Then it just got shorten to Dilly. So it will probably be Cordy or Dilly.

So what's Cordy up to now that she's six months old? Six months old! Half way there until I can go to Fiesta Villa for a margarita. Time is flying. Well, Cordy is starting to get into everything. She isn't really crawling. She mostly rolls around and pivets on her tummy to get to things. She has a good reach for a little baby. She is getting into the boys' toys which they hate. I love it. Rion picked up his toys the other day so she couldn't get them.

It's nice that Cordy is finally doing things. No more laying around and just looking cute. It's fun to watch babies explore. Although that's all I'll be doing for awhile now. I can't leave her alone anymore. If I leave the room, she has to go with. I am constantly taking things away from her. She gets into my magazines. I don't know why babies love to crunch up pages so much. She loves Torii's mardi gras beads and is always after them. And of course there is a ton of little toys laying around. I made Torii cry tonight because I told him we were going to put a gate on their bedroom door and leave all their toys in there so Cordy couldn't get them. Torii thought I would be keeping him out too and cried and cried.

Cordy also had her first taste of cereal tonight. The first time the spoon came near her, she hit it with her hand and cereal went everywhere. Torii laughed. I tried again and Cordy spit it out. Torii laughed. I tried again. Cordy pushed the spoon out with her tongue. Torii laughed. I think I got a little cereal to go down because she made some awful faces. Most of it ended up on her clothes. Both Cordy and Torii thought the whole thing was extremely funny.

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