Thursday, April 24, 2008

What a cheat

Rion got his first taste of kindergarten on Wednesday. Fred was supposed to take all three kids to the school and drop Rion off. When I got home I asked him how it went.
"Good," he said, "Your Grandma came over and watched Cordelia and Torii while I dropped Rion off."
"Excuse me?"
"I told her she didn't have to," he said. "I was going to drop them off, but she came here instead."
"Why can't you take all three kids anywhere?"
"Oh I have no problem taking them anywhere. And none of the other parents had their other kids with."
I was so disappointed. He had it easy and only had to do a 15 minute trip with them. Now I should make it really difficult and make a grocery list out for him. A long grocery list. And he can grocery shopping with all three kids while I sit in front of the TV doing nothing.

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