Thursday, April 24, 2008

Do moms retire?

Up until two weeks ago my dad worked for UPS. Today I was asked if his route had changed because someone new was delivering in the area. (I can't believe they miss you already, dad).
"No, he just retired," I said.
"Is your mom retired too," she asked.
I have never been asked that and it kind of through me for a loop. "She was a stay-at-home mom," I said. "I guess you could say she retired when my sister moved out last year."
I thought about this some more later. If my mom had indeed retired last year, where was her big retirement party? Where were her cards of congratulations? Where were her presents celebrating her years of hard work?
Do moms actually get to retire? Probably not. She may no longer have any kids at home (although as I write this the grandkids are sleeping overnight there). So she doesn't have any kids there permenantly, but she is still always on the job. My mom is always one phone call away when I need to vent about the husband, kids or both. My mom still takes care of me when I don't feel good, by taking the kids so I can get some rest. And my mom will still bake my most favorite birthday cake if I ask.
While my mom will never get to officially retire from her profession, I think she still deserves a big retirement party for her years of raising, I must say, three fabulous women.

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